Thursday, January 3, 2013

I guess I will try to blog

So a couple of my friends have their own blogs.  Why, I often asked myself would one blog?? I never have been a fan of writing.  Refused to keep a journal when counselors would suggest it, struggled through research papers in graduate school and despise every aspect of paperwork associated with my job.  But I have a curious nature and always am looking for ways to improve myself, although follow through is a problem.  So I am going to give it a try.  I am not going to philosophize about anything, my mind doesn't work that way.  I am a straight shooter.. whatever is in my head will end up here.  I also received a new camera and want to try the thing where you post a picture everyday.  I will be doing that here once I figure this all out.  Hope you laugh a little or feel good about yourself when you see how crazy my days can seem.

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